What is Third Eye Chakra? Unveiling the Power of the 3rd Eye Chakra with Reiki Heals India

What is third eye chakra

What is Third Eye Chakra? Welcome to Reiki Heals India – your spiritual coach and best Reiki Healer in Delhi NCR premier spiritual healing and guidance service. Today in this segment, let’s learn about the Third Eye Chakra called Ajna Chakra.

What is Third Eye Chakra?

The third eye is actually referred to as the ‘inner eye’ or the ‘mind’s eye’-being a metaphorical eye, located on the forehead as supposed to allow the bee to see beyond what is tangible. In Hindu religion, the term third eye is related to the ajna or brow chakra. The place of the third eye is over the brow but in the middle of the forehead in Hindu and Buddhist iconography, symbolizing the liberating knowledge that the ascetic attains in his course of meditation.

Also Read: More on Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye: Your source of Intuition and Awareness Centre

Among the seven existing chakras, the Third Eye Chakra is one of the most important and vital. It is located in between your eyes or in other words, it will be slightly above the eyebrows. This chakra is visually pictured as blue or indigo in its coloration and deals with the spiritual level or third eye. I believe that entertainment is one of the vital aspects that help with our psychological and spiritual health.

Also Read: What is Crown Chakra?

A Balanced Third Eye: Diffusion of responsibility and accountability for decision-making

It is claimed that when the Third Eye Chakra is aligned and audacious, the person obtains the third eye sight and begins to hear something beyond what is ordinary. It leads to accurate analysis complicated with pleasant feelings and increased feelings of personal responsibility. It also means that the performance will be much improved, your mind will be clear, and there will be a higher degree of personal happiness.

As with most things in life, there are tell-tale signs when the third eye is imbalanced in its function:

When the Third Eye Chakra is not properly opened or aligned, people may experience some of the following symptoms, for example they may have trouble deciding on certain issues, they may have headaches all the time, they may have problems with their eyes and they may have sleeping disorders.

Reiki Heals India: How to Finally Achieve Harmony of the Third Eye

At Reiki Heals India, it is our passion to serve you to improve your well-being in every realm of your existence. Contact us for Reiki treatment, meditation, and proper chakra healing methods with an intention of balancing the Third Eye Chakra.

Already on the Third Eye Chakra or thinking about Activating That?

If you want to find out more information about the Third Eye Chakra or if you want to know how this acts on your everyday living or if you want to know how to balance the Third Eye call Reiki Heals India – Your Spiritual Coach now. We are your warm and wise spiritual guide; the leading Reiki healer of Delhi NCR. Please allow us to provide you with suggestions on your path to increased self-knowledge, enlightenment and prosperity.

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