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Lama Fera is a spiritual healing modality that originates from Tibetan Buddhism. The term "Lama" refers to a spiritual teacher or guru, while "Fera" translates to "round" or "circle" in Tibetan.
The word "Karuna" originates from Sanskrit and is often translated as "compassionate action" or "compassionate love."
Angel card reading is a spiritual practice that involves using oracle cards to receive guidance, insights, and messages from angels, archangels, and other divine beings.
What is is a premier Reiki healing service provider based in Krishna Nagar, Delhi. We specialize in offering various holistic healing modalities such as Reiki, Lama Fera, Karuna Reiki, and Angel Card Reading.
What is Reiki Healing?
Reiki Healing is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.
What is Lama Fera?
Lama Fera is an ancient Buddhist healing technique that works with the divine energies to provide healing, transformation, and spiritual upliftment. It is a powerful energy healing system that originated in the Himalayas.
What is Karuna Reiki?
Karuna Reiki is an advanced form of Reiki that focuses on compassion and healing on deeper levels. It helps in releasing past trauma, facilitating deep emotional healing, and connecting with universal love and wisdom.
What is Angel Card Reading?
Angel Card Reading is a divination tool used to receive guidance and messages from the angelic realm. It involves using angel oracle cards to tap into the energies and wisdom of angels for spiritual insight and guidance.
How does operate?
At, we offer both in-person and distance healing sessions based on the preference and convenience of our clients. Our experienced practitioners provide personalized sessions tailored to address individual needs and concerns.
What can I expect during a healing session?
During a healing session with, you can expect a serene and nurturing environment where you can relax and let go. Our practitioners will gently guide you through the process, channeling healing energy to promote balance, harmony, and well-being.